
Live, plant, harvest; What if you could live off your own home-grown food? “Home Grown” strives to reinvent the typical stand-alone Dutch greenhouse typology by symbiotically merging it with a student residential program. The ground floor hosts community crops and aquaponics to raise public awareness and involvement in food production. 

The upper floors host student bedrooms and communal kitchens and social spaces to work and mingle. Scarettered throughout the floor plan are food production areas, owned and maintained by student associations. 

The ethos of the project is circularity at all scales: materials and immaterial resources are treasured and re-used in the design. The fully re-used Venlo aluminium structure is superimposed over a new timber structure, creating an in-between space to be inhabited with winter gardens and areas for collective fruit and vegetable production; water, heat and food waste flows are strategically integrated in a circular metabolism for a zero waste student community on TU Delft Campus (See “Process Section”).