Synergy: co-working hub

“Synergy” is defined as “The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” The project aims at creating a co-working platform in the area to the South of the river Avon, known as Riverside Enterprise Zone. The site sits amongst former industrial buildings, that were once the premise of the Stothert and Pitt factory. The agenda focuses on the creative reuse of the unused quays present on site, part of the Newark Works and currently in a state of decay, alongside the insertion of a new building. This addresses the public ground reconnecting the river edge and the street through a lively semi-enclosed square. Synergy ties together the fragmented elements of urban fabric and creates a campus for creative professionals as well as for the wider community of Bath. Challenges of the project were primarily the tight site constraints, the tight sight boundary and the fragmentation of the existing listed buildings, scattered around the site after multiple construction and deconstruction periods. Ultimately, The project celebrates the “as found aesthetics” present on site, made of rough Bath stone rubble and rusted steel trusses, which intimately tie the new build with the original historic fabric.